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Online Experts

Data Analysis Expert


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.9/5
Skills: Data Analyst : Python programmer : Technical Writer
Completed Projects: 311

Hire Expert
ML Engineer and Researcher


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5
Skills: ML Engineer : Data Mining Expert : Researcher
Completed Projects: 423

Hire Expert
Excel Analysis and Python Data Analysis


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.9/5
Skills: Excel Analysis: Python data analysis
Completed Projects: 437

Hire Expert
Python Developer and Freelance Data Scientist


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.8/5
Skills: Python Developer : Django :Freelance Data scientist
Completed Projects: 200

Hire Expert
Data Science Expert


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.5/5
Skills: Data Science Expert
Completed Projects: 621

Hire Expert
R-Programmer, ML Engineer, Python Developer


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.7/5
Skills: R-Programmer: ML Engineer : Python Developer
Completed Projects: 500

Hire Expert
General Programmer, Python Data Analysis, C# R, Excel Expert


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5
Skills: General Programmer :Python data analysis : C# R : Excel Expert
Completed Projects: 445

Hire Expert
Data Visualization, R-Programmer, Data Consultant, Researcher


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.9/5
Skills: Data Visualization : R-Programmer : Data Consultant : Researcher
Completed Projects: 437

Hire Expert
Business Intelligence, Power BI, Excel, R, Python


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.8/5
Skills: Business Intelligence : Power BI : Excel : R : Python
Completed Projects: 430

Hire Expert
Researcher, Market Researcher, Data Analyst


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5
Skills: Researcher : Market Researcher : Data Analyst
Completed Projects: 43

Hire Expert
Power BI, Analyst, BI, Python, Visualization Expert


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.8/5
Skills: Power BI : Analyst : BI : Python : Visualization Expert
Completed Projects: 200

Hire Expert
Excel Analysis, R-programming, Python


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5
Skills: Excel Analysis: R-programming: Python
Completed Projects: 35

Hire Expert

AfroResearch Inc. data analysis platform is an online site which connects prospective clients with data science Experts, data analysts, and tech experts to help them with their data and tech projects.

It comprises of experts with industry and academic experience who will help you with all data projects within the agreed timeline.

Combining different technologies, software, and skills, our experts' team will carefully solve your data challenges and present quality results with an open window for customization, revisions, and suggestions for improvement.

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Features Which Distinguish AfroResearch Inc. from other Online Platforms

The AfroResearch Data Analysis Platform has unique features which make it the most outstanding online site to outsource your data-related projects.

  • You are Connected with a Specific Expert who you will work from start to end of the project

  • We offer free data analysis Project Consultation for all prospective clients

  • Our customer support is always online 24/7 to help you in case of any concerns for ongoing, completed, or new projects

  • You Only Pay for a Project once you have been assigned an Expert and posted the project

  • You have your account on the AfroResearch Data Analysis Platform to monitor, request changes, and Post new projects

  • Our Prices Are Pocket-friendly and there is a guaranteed money-back strategy in case the data project doesn’t meet your expectations

  • We ensure our work process is private and your data is secure in our hands

The AfroResearch Inc. Data Analysis Platform Services

Data Analysis Services

  1. Statistical data analysis
  2. Data visualization and Infographics
  3. Data interpretation, report writing, and Insights

Statistical Data Analysis

Statistical data analysis includes the collection and analysis of data to identify trends and correlations. This process uses different statistical techniques.

Mostly, statistical data analysis is applied in academic research. It involves unique steps which makes the process scientific.

Experts from the AfroResearch Inc. Data Analysis Platform will help you with all the steps involved in the statistical data analysis process.
Here are the steps you would expect while dealing with the statistical data analysis process.

The Steps of the Statistical Data Analysis Process

  1. Definition of the problem and objectives to be met by the analysis
  2. Here you state the research question and clearly outline the objectives you want to meet with the data analysis process.
    Need help with your Statistical Data Analysis Project? The AfroResearch data analysis platform has experts well-versed in statistics who will help you develop a research topic and viable objectives.

  3. Data collection
  4. The data collection process includes gathering relevant data from a sample of the whole population to help you answer the research question.

    This data can be collected by use of surveys, using existing data sets, observations, or even by use of experiments.

    If you are stuck with your data collection process, consult you can live chat with us on our site Afroresearch data analysis platform and get connected with an expert who will help you.

  5. Data cleaning and preparation
  6. This is the hardest step in the statistical data analysis process. It involves the cleaning of collected data to remove outliers, detect inconsistencies, and transformation of the data into a suitable process for data analysis.

    Though it is a hectic process, the Afroresearch Inc. Data analysis platform Experts can help you and save you the hassle.

  7. Exploration Data analysis (EDA)
  8. Now that you have cleaned and integrated the collected data, the next step is to do exploration data analysis.

    By use of summary statistics, graphs, and graphics, this step helps in identifying patterns in the data. If you need any help with statistical analysis and summary you can connect with our freelance statisticians.

    It is an important step in the development of a hypothesis and in understanding the nature of the collected data.

  9. The hypothesis formulation and development
  10. Based on the results of the explanatory data analysis process, the researcher formulates a hypothesis which will be tested statistically.

    AfroResearch Inc. data analysis platform has experienced experts who can help you develop a testable hypothesis while also helping you understand how to test it using the data analysis process.

  11. The selection of Statistical methods for data analysis
  12. Now that you have the hypothesis to be tested and the data for analysis, it is important to select the best statistical methods for analysis.

    The selection of statistical methods is a technical process and involves a lot of statistical logic. However, some of the most common statistical methods for data analysis include; descriptive analysis, inferential analysis, regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA, t-tests, chi-square analysis, and many more.

    Since this process involves a lot of statistical knowledge, you can always seek help from the AfroResearch data analysis platform for free on which are the best analysis methods for your data.

  13. The application of the statistical analysis methods
  14. After you have identified the best statistical analysis methods, the next step is to apply them for data analysis.

    The analysis may include calculations, computations, and other statistical tests to test the hypothesis for rejection or acceptance.

    For the criteria of hypothesis rejection and acceptance, you can consult experts from our data analysis platform.

  15. Interpretation of the data analysis results
  16. Scientific interpretation of the results is needed so that the researcher can understand the implications of the analysis.

  17. Drawing of meaningful conclusion
  18. This is the last step in the statistical data analysis process. Here you draw a scientific conclusion from the analysis which relates to your research question.

Data Visualization and Infographics

Afroresearch Inc. data analysis platform will also help you achieve your business, academic, and social research goals by using data visualization and infographics.

Data visualization and infographics will help you in understanding complex data information in an easy way.

The experts on Afroresearch Inc. will help you achieve the following using data visualization and infographics.

  • Clarify your data by using unique visuals that communicate the data information
  • Highlight data relationships between data variables of interest
  • Enhance communication with your audience using different data visuals for easy understanding
  • Support your decision-making process by drawing insights from the visualized data

Though there are many visuals that are used in the context of visualization, the most common ones include;

  • Bar Charts: This visual is used to compare quantities across variables
  • Bar Chart
  • Line Charts: It is a visual used to display trends of variables over time
  • Line Graph
  • Pie Charts: This visual is commonly used to display a proportion of the whole
    Pie Chart
  • Scatter plots: They are used to show a relationship between two variables. Through this visual, you can identify linear, quadratic, or any other form of relationship
  • Scatter plot
  • Histogram: They are used to present the distribution of variables in continuous data.
  • Histogram
  • Box plots: Best for presenting outliers, median, and data distribution
  • Box plot
  • Network graphs: They are used to show a relationship between entities in a network
  • Network Graph

Afroresearch Inc. data analysis platform will help you with all your needs for data visualization and infographics. You only need to Live-chat the support team and get connected to an expert who will help you achieve your prospects within a short period.

Data Interpretation, Report Writing, and Insights

Data interpretation, report writing, and insights form an integral part of the data analysis process. After analysis, you need to develop a report that makes sense to a group that doesn't know technical analysis.

To achieve this, you need an expert who can help you with the interpretation, write a report for you, and draw insights from the analysis. These experts are found on our data analysis platform. They will help you simplify your analysis and make it understandable.

Data Collection and Survey Design Services

AfroResearch Inc. Data analysis platform experts will also help you with data collection and survey designs.

We will provide comprehensive solutions making sure that they meet your data needs. With versed business and research knowledge, our experts will ensure a seamless data collection process by developing exclusive surveys following academic and industry standards.

What Sets Apart Data Collection and Survey Design Services at AfroResearch Inc. Data Analysis Platform from Others?

  • Data Collection Excellence: Our skilled team ensures the data collected is of high quality, error-free, and consistent

  • Customized Survey Designs: We customize all our surveys as per the client's needs and ensure that the data collected sufficiently answers the research question

  • Intuitive Data Analysis Platform: Even after data collection, you can also request an expert to help you with your data analysis process.

We serve all clients including businesses seeking to make data-driven decisions, researchers in academia and beyond, and any other person who wants to use data as fuel for innovation.

Data Consultation Services

At our data analysis platform, we also offer data consultation services. These services include expertise guidance to enable researchers, students, businesses, and innovators to make the most out of their data-driven initiatives.

We will help you in the following ways;

  • Strategic Data Planning: Experts from AfroResearch Inc. will help you develop a tailored data strategy which aligns with your organization's goals.

  • Data Analysis guidance: At AfroResearch Inc., you will get exclusive guidance on the best statistical methods for analysis. Our Experts will also help you with results interpretation, report writing, the decision-making process, and any other guidance needed.

  • Data Security and Compliance: We will help you understand the implications of all your data projects. These implications cut across the legal, social, and even economic aspects.

Predictive Analysis Services

Welcome to AfroResearch Inc. data analysis platform, predictive analysis services. Our team will leverage advanced analytics techniques and help you with valuable insights for future trends and patterns.

Welcome to AfroResearch Inc. data analysis platform, predictive analysis services. Our team will leverage advanced analytics techniques and help you with valuable insights for future trends and patterns.

In this service, you will get the following assistance, including any other help you may need;

  • Advanced Analytics Services: Our experts will help you with advanced analytics including machine learning, statistical modeling, and data mining.
    By using these techniques, you will be able to develop models for future trends, customer behavior, and market fluctuations.
  • Model Development and Training: Our data scientist team will help you develop, fine-tune, and validate models.
    By using historical data, the AfroResearch Inc. data analysis platform experts will ensure that your models present the most accurate results.
  • Real-time Predictions: We provide real-time predictions to help you make short-term decisions for your business.
    Are you ready to harness the power of predictive analysis? Contact our support team to be connected with an expert who will help you.

Business Intelligence (BI) Services

Business Intelligence services focus more on data visualization and transformation to help you understand trends and patterns easily.
Leveraging different software, technologies, and expertise, our data analysis platform experts will help you in the development of appealing and interactive visuals, dashboards, and with data transformation.

The AfroResearch Inc. Tools and Technologies for Data Analysis

AfroResearch Inc. data analysis platform leverages the use of different software packages and technologies to offer you high-quality and exceptional data services. Here are the wide technologies and tools our experts use.

Statistical Analysis Tools and Software

  • IBM SPSS Software: This is a statistical software developed by IBM company. Generally, it is used for statistical analysis.
    Mostly, SPSS software is used for statistical analysis, data cleaning and transformation, predictive analysis, data visualization, and correlation analysis.
    Our AfroResearch Inc. data analysis platform experts have the current versions of the software and they will help you achieve your statistical analysis goals using SPSS.
  • SPSS software
  • Excel for Data Analysis Software Excel offers different built-in tools for data analysis. It is software developed by Microsoft. Using Excel, you can leverage different features to get optimal data analysis solutions.
    Mostly, Excel software is known for its formulas and functions, Easy to develop Pivot tables, the data analysis tool-park, and the data tables.
  • Excel software

Machine Learning and AI Software

For machine learning model development, Python, R-statistics, and Apache Spark have been named as the widely used software packages.
Our AfroResearch Inc. data analysis platform experts will help you develop excellent machine learning models leveraging these software packages.

Data Visualization Tools and Software

Our team uses Power BI, Excel, Tableau, Cognos, Data Studio, and any other software as needed by a client to ensure that the data visualization process is flawless.

The AfroResearch Inc. Experts’ Team

At Afroresearch Inc. data analysis platform, we pride ourselves on a dedicated team of industry and academic experts who leverage different technologies to offer data solutions to clients.

Our expert team is a diverse blend of scholars, researchers, analysts, and professionals coming from different fields.

Whether you need application development, data services, research services, market research, academic research, data science services, or any other tech services, our team will be able to help you achieve your goals.

We Serve Clients from All Walks of Life – AfroResearch Inc.

From individuals to industries, students to researchers, we serve all clients who are in need of data services. Our Experts team is composed of personnel who are skilled in all fields of data.

How to Engage with Us on the Afroresearch Inc. Data Analysis Platform

To request our data analysis services, Live-chat Us and you will be connected with an expert who will first offer you a free consultation about the project.

After consultation, you will agree on the project price. The expert will guide you on posting your project at the secure Afroresearch Inc. client’s account.

You can then monitor the progress of the project in your private portal.