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A Sample Research Data Analysis Project
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I am Ava, a research data analysis expert, journal writer, technical writer, and accredited editor. My areas of expertise include; research analysis, market research, technical writing, data mining, and Excel analysis.

My research analysis is a reflection of my commitment to delivering quality and excellent results for all your research projects. Having a degree in statistics and a master's in applied behavioral science, I stand a better chance to make your project outstanding.

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A Sample Research Data Analysis Project: Analyzing Average Salaries Factored by Job Classification

Case Study: As a research data analyst, you have been tasked with analyzing salary data to get specific insights that can be used to answer given research questions and test a given hypothesis. The following are the research questions you need to answer.

  • How is the distribution of employees and their titles?
  • Which job has the highest paid and lower paid employees?
  • Is there a significant salary difference among different job titles?

Based on this analysis you will help in testing a given hypothesis and therefore, you need to add a small report about the analysis.

A Sample Solution of the Research Data Analysis Project

The distribution of employees based on their titles

Employee distribution

Based on the bar graph, the Motor Pool attendant job title has the highest number of employees while abandoned Vehicle enforcement officers are the least. Senior Water Quality Specialist, Imaging Operator II, and Engineer III job titles seem to have relatively the same number of employees with just a slight difference.

Distribution of payments Based on Job Titles

Distribution of employees payment

Abandoned Vehicle Enforcement officers seem to be the highest paid while Work Force Leader IV are the least paid. However, based on the area graph, the distribution of the salaries seems to have just a slight difference over the job titles.

One Way ANOVA to test if there is a Significant Mean difference in Salaries

To evaluate if there was a statistically significant mean difference of salaries among the jot titles, One-way ANOVA was carried out.

ANOVA test

Based on the ANOVA results, there was a statistically significant mean difference in salaries based on the job title. Tested at 95% confidence interval, F (7, 312) = 2.74, P = 0.00907 which shows a significant mean difference.

These results justify the previous findings from the bar graph, pivot table, and area chart which found out that there was a significant mean difference.

How to Seek Research Data Analysis Services Online

In the last 25 years, there has been a massive increase in data volume. This trend has been triggered by technology evolution. As such, the demand for research analysis services has also increased exponentially.

By 2011, the International Data Cooperation (IDC) estimated that there was 1.87ZB of data volume collected globally. This is equivalent to 1.8 billion terabytes of data.

However, the question of the usability of this data remains an open front of discussion. As such, research data analysts take the center place in transforming this data into insightful information.

Though research analysis services demand seems to have increased, there is a specific approach you need to follow to get the best services from reputable experts. In this article, we evaluate the process of seeking research analysis services online.

The Skills Needed to Offer Research Data Analysis Services Excellently

Skills Needed for one to Offer Research Data Analysis Services

Where Do I Seek Research Analysis Services Online?

As the volume of data increased over the years, so are research experts. Many scholars have opted to offer research consultation services online. Contemporary literature holds that this approach eliminates the barrier of distance.

There are many ways you can use to seek research analysis services online.

  • Connecting with online platforms that offer these services: Sites like AfroResearch Inc., Upwork, Fiverr, and many others have research analysis experts who can help you with any type of research project.
  • Joining Online Groups: You can get research data analysis services by joining social media groups which are composed of research experts. In these groups, you can spot excellent talent and directly engage them for any analysis project.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is another place where you can get research analysis services easily. This is a social media platform that allows its users to put the Portfolio for prospective employers to see them. You just need to search on the search bar with the keyword “research data analysis,” and profiles of experts will appear then engage them.
  • Seeking Talent from Universities: Another way to get connected with experts is to engage online universities like the University of the People. These universities have trained experts who can offer consultation on related data projects.

Setting The Budget for Your Project

Before seeking research analysis services, you need to set a budget that will be realistic and at the same time pocket pocket-friendly. There are many factors that you need to consider when setting your budget.

  • Data Volume: It is obvious that your research data analysis project will use data. You need to define the data volume so that the expert can figure out the commitment needed to complete the project.
  • Data Variety: You also need to consider the variety of your data. Is it numerical, non-numerical, text, images, or which type? This will help in defining the technology needed to make the project excellent.
  • Data Velocity: This refers to how fast the expert can get or stream the data needed for the research data analysis project.
  • Scope of the research analysis project: This refers to how big and to what extent should the expert go in completing the project. Research data analysis services are offered based on agreeable deliverables. Therefore, understanding the scope will help you set the deliverables within specific times with the expert.
  • Complexity: Some research data analysis projects are simple while others are complex. Therefore, your budget should align with the complexity of the project.

How to Develop Your Project Description Before Seeking Research Analysis Services?

Before engaging any research analysis expert, you need to develop a project description which will help the expert have a clear view of what you want. This process is important because it will also help you in setting the budget.

  • Define the problem and Objectives of the project: Before seeking any research data analysis services online, you need to have a clear and concise plan of what you want to achieve. As such, you need to develop clear objectives and define the problem you want to investigate clearly.
  • Set the Scope: You cannot do an overestimated research and get viable results. As such, before seeking research data analysis services, you need to set a logical scope for your project.
  • Define the Project Complexity: You also need to define your project complexity including the data types and source. This will help the expert when you seek research data analysis services to understand how to approach the project.
  • Set timeline and deliverables: You need to alert the expert about the deadline of any research project and how to give periodic updates. This will keep your communication with the expert offering research data analysis services consistent throughout the project.
  • Ask for Revision room: You also need to understand if you will get revisions if you buy given research data analysis services online. This will help you know if your project can be tailored to your liking.

AfroResearch Inc. Research Data Analysis Services Online

AfroResearch Inc. is an online platform that connects prospective clients with exceptional USA-based experts for your research data analysis projects. Our site is easy to use.

If you need research analysis services, you need to just contact us on Live Chat and get a free project consultation from our reputable experts. From there, you will be guided on how to place your order on our site and the expert will work on it.

You will keep in constant communication with the expert throughout the project. You can also get unlimited revisions for your project.