AfroResearch Inc. Privacy Policy

Please read this privacy policy and understand how AfroResearch Inc. uses your personal information. If you use AfroResearch Inc. or any application related to this company, we presume that you have read and understood the Afroresearch Inc. privacy policy.

Kindly note, that this privacy policy can change from time to time based on prevailing circumstances. However, we always update the new version on our site. Before using the AfroResearch site, please review the new privacy policy.

The following sections explain in detail the contents of the privacy policy
  • The data we collect from you: Mostly, you provide us with the information we collect. If you sign up to our site, we store some of your data for account management purposes. We also collect information using cookies and from your interactions with the AfroResearch Inc. site.

  • The AfroResearch Inc. Legal Bases of Using Your Information. Based on the applicable laws, all your collected data will be used legally and within the confines of the law. The use of your collected information can be justified legally as outlined below.

  • How do we use the information collected? The information we collect from you is legally used to help AfroResearch Inc. offer you quality services. We value data security to prevent fraud and avoid data breaches.

  • How long does AfroResearch Keep your personal data? We keep your data until the intended purpose of collection is completed. However, you can request the deletion of your personal information anytime without any need to indicate a reason for such action.

  • Sharing your Personal Data with third parties. AfroResearch Inc. values the privacy of your data. We don't share any client data with third parties.

  • The Cookie Policy: We use cookies on our site for the purpose of providing you with a personalized experience, for marketing purposes, and for technical analysis of our site.

  • Do NOT Track (DNT). AfroResearch Inc. doesn't respond to the DNT signals.

  • External Links on Our Site. AfroResearch Inc. contains third-party links. However, the information provided on those links is not related to our site in any way. For any harm caused by such information or links, AfroResearch Inc. will not be liable.

  • Security of the AfroResearch Site. We value the security of our clients and the site in general. As such, your personal information is securely stored using advanced technologies to prevent unauthorized access to your personal accounts, misuse, or alteration of your information.

  • Rights of EU, EEA, and UK users. Where we process data for EU clients, further terms apply controlled by the EU data protection law as listed below.

  • Update of your Personal Information. We ensure that your personal information is up-to-date by updating it on your profile.

  • Contact Us. You can exercise the rights of your personal information by contacting us on our Live Chat section or at

The above terms clearly define our Privacy Policy at AfroResearch Inc. By using this site, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to all the privacy policy terms as outlined here. If you don't agree with any of the terms, please don't use AfroResearch Inc., as the site will not be liable for any damage caused by such use.